Quizzes for android

Spin the drum
Spin the drum
Spin the drum - a simulator of an intellectual show that comes out on television from the distant
Tricky Test: Get smart
Tricky Test: Get smart
If you are tired of the same type of simple puzzles, then maybe you should try to download the game
Find the words
Find the words
A great way to have fun while away a free minute and a little escape from the routine of everyday
Scratch and guess the animal
Scratch and guess the animal
Meet the great game, where there are many different animals with whom you still have time to get
Wheel of Fortune
Wheel of Fortune
A well-known Western show, in General, quite similar to the popular field of Miracles, and if we
Audio fairy tales for raising children at night
Audio fairy tales for raising children at night
Audio fairy tales for raising children at night - a collection of fairy tales is presented to your
Fight List 2 - Categories Game
Fight List 2 - Categories Game
Fight List 2 - Categories Game – a collection of interesting quizzes in English with a wide variety
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