Russian Billiard Pool

Russian Billiard Pool

81.5% (Ratings: 119)
Version: 15.9.5
Category: Sports
Requirements: Android 4.1
Russian Billiard Pool - offers an amazing opportunity for fans of this classic game to test their strength on the platform of the Android operating system. At any time, You can be able to practice the skill of Russian Billiards. The task of the game - to drive the balls into the pockets, using the least time and a limited number of strokes.

This game application is the best online simulator, which has realistic physics, the ability to do complex tasks and to peel off the chips. When you start playing, the camera will be placed on top and You will have a full and accurate view of the entire table. The developers have put a lot of effort and made this video game as accessible as possible and extremely interesting.

Carefully calculate your actions and break the pyramid with a strong jerk. Beware of blunders and blunders extremely calculate the trajectory of movement so as to score exactly in the pocket. The main advantage is considered to be free of control and understandable interface. All actions are performed by clicking on the display of Your phone. Here You will be able to pass all sorts of tasks, complete quests and get special points for it and worthy rewards that will turn You into a real monster of virtual Billiards.

Download Russian Billiard Pool free for android

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