My Cafe — Restaurant game

My Cafe — Restaurant game

88% (Ratings: 242)
Version: 2024.5.0.0
Category: Casual
Requirements: Android 4.1
My Cafe is an opportunity to create cafes that are very popular in the surrounding areas. You should start with the most primitive buildings, gradually expanding its boundaries and reaching a new level of development. The toy brings up the makings of a businessman and allows you to identify entrepreneurial veins, training you in marketing skills. You as the owner of the cafe will participate in all organizational matters, competently distributing the available resources t giving competent orders to employees of catering.

A huge metropolis missed the place where you can spend time carefree. However, the slightest mistake and notoriety instantly stick to your child, reducing income and attendance. To avoid this, keep an eye on what is happening, paying attention to details that seem insignificant, but the success of the enterprise depends on them.

Download My coffee shop for Android for free, and those who want to learn how to cook. Since all the presented recipe is taken from reality. Business requires a lot of in-game currency, you can earn it by participating in various mini-games. The development of the plot is entirely up to You, the developers have provided all the necessary basics, but the result is directly dependent on how much effort You put.
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