Grand Mobile Hero : Gangster Crime Legend

Grand Mobile Hero : Gangster Crime Legend

72.7% (Ratings: 381)
Version: 1.1.5
Category: Action
Requirements: Android 5.0
Grand Mobile Hero: Gangster Crime Legend - finally you have a great opportunity to become a true superhero who will save the universe from all the evil that lives on it! Try to get supernatural abilities and after some time you will be able to learn how to control them in order to move around locations, fight with opponents, help people. You will need to consider the whole city and find out what kind of transport and buildings will be located in it. Choose exactly how your main character will look, what he will be dressed in and whether he will have enough opportunities to hide from everyone else in the form of an ordinary resident. We wish you good luck!

Download Grand Mobile Hero : Gangster Crime Legend free for android

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