60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure

60 Seconds! Atomic Adventure

85.1% (Ratings: 705)
Version: 1.3.142
Category: Adventure
Requirements: Android 4.1
60 seconds! Atomic Adventure – is the fascinating strategy for Android devices where you should try to survive in a post-apocalyptic world. In this game, you would play for the main character Ted who required gathering his family in 60 seconds and being ready to stay in a bunker an uncertain time. Run across your house, whereas the rooms would be generated randomly, collect food supplies that may be useful while you stay in a bunker in further. If you managed to get on in time, go to the bunker when the fun part happens since here you will know how much food and water you picked up. Start going out on runs and be aware of mutant cockroaches.
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  1. teresa
    teresa 25 February 2020 15:37
    tua mad re zoccilo
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