The Sims FreePlay

The Sims FreePlay

84.1% (Ratings: 82)
Version: 5.84.0
Category: Simulation
Requirements: Android 2.3.3
The Sims FreePlay - is a whole universe that surprises with its similarity to the real world. The Central characters lead a way of life familiar to the average person. The plot in the game as such is absent. The player is required to choose one or more characters and perform all life functions for him. Build a house, give birth to children and plant trees. During the game You have to go with your character all the levels of existence of a representative of the planet Earth. Everything begins with birth and ends with death. Your ward will have the first steps, going to school, getting a special education, getting a job, getting married, raising children, and then taking care of grandchildren, and a carefree time in retirement. Most of the game The Sims FreePlay on Android takes place in an effort to achieve career heights.

Someone dreams of becoming a legendary athlete, some see themselves on the stage, and there are those who are completely devoted to politics. Personal life is also not much different from the relationship between people. Quarrels, infidelities, fights, betrayals, passion and tender feelings mixed into a thermonuclear cocktail to deliver true pleasure to the gamer. In General, the toy turned out to be informative and can help the younger generation to better understand the difficulties of adult life.
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