Free WiFi Connect

Free WiFi Connect

75% (Ratings: 64)
Category: Tools
Requirements: Android 4.1
Free WiFi Connect - allows access to absolutely all open networks within the radius covered. The application is completely selfless, on a voluntary basis will allow you to save money, time spent and nerves on the unsuccessful selection of passwords from third-party resources. In addition to optimized search and access to the global network, the program searches for the most powerful signals from a number of acceptable, and prefers the most profitable, in order to improve the speed of the received Internet.

Having identified the most reliable point, you can manually set the priority for a particular router from the entire list. In particular, the application allows you to fully configure the corporate or home grid. Just one touch of your finger to the screen of your device, you can join or disconnect if necessary. It is worth noting that the software is appropriate only if you are in direct proximity to the field of interaction of someone's router without a password.

Download a small size, but very convenient and useful gadget, in order to feel its prerogatives and strengths, which simply do not make sense to describe and rant for a long time. It is much better to test it yourself.

Download Free WiFi Connect free for android

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