Granny's house - Multiplayer escapes

Granny's house - Multiplayer escapes

87% (Ratings: 192)
Version: 2.8.807
Category: Action
Requirements: Android 4.2
Granny's house - Multiplayer escapes - is a multiplayer horror game with puzzle elements. In this game project you have a single mode where you will need to try to save the lives of all children who live in the abandoned house of the old grandmother, as well as a multiplayer mode, where there is a wonderful opportunity to play for the girl, and the mistress of this big house. In order to achieve their own goals and to save the maximum possible number of children, you will need to hide behind cover, making the minimum amount of noise and move around with maximum silence. To escape from the creepy house, you will need to solve certain quantity of puzzles and find three keys.
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  1. زهراء
    زهراء 10 April 2021 23:12
    Garnny HouaSE تهكير
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