Toca Hair Salon 4

Toca Hair Salon 4

82.6% (Ratings: 753)
Version: 2.5
Category: Adventure
Requirements: Android 5.0
Toca Hair Salon 4 - here you can feel like a real Pro hairdresser, and also a stylist. You can to take beautiful images choosing the main hero and to put his creative ideas into reality. Do unique hairstyles choose suitable makeup and accessories decorate your own face special unique water make-up. In each of five rooms (hairdresser, make-up, wash, shop, and also photo booth big) you will be able to enjoy private a masterpiece, and also to create a excellent pictures. In the showroom you can to choose the suitable style of clothes, sets together with the kits. Stay constantly in the trend and Shine your own originality!
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  1. keyla v follero
    keyla v follero 18 September 2021 01:23
    toca boca cheat
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