Apk Extractor

Apk Extractor

66.7% (Ratings: 12)
Version: 4.21.08
Category: Tools
Requirements: Android 4.0
Apk Extractor - is a very light and high-quality application for your mobile phone, which perfectly performs the task set for it, and also takes up a minimum of space on your smartphone. The app can extract the apk file that you already have in your smartphone and copy it to your SD card, or download it on your other mobile phone. The app will be able to perform its task very well when you urgently need to transfer some game or program to a second smartphone.

Features of the app:
Can extract all applications, as well as system programs;
There is no need for administrator rights;
By default, the Apk will be saved in / SDCard / ExtractedApks/.

Download Apk Extractor free for android

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