WiFi Automatic - WiFi auto connect

WiFi Automatic - WiFi auto connect

83.3% (Ratings: 6)
Category: Tools
Requirements: Android 5.1
WiFi Automatic-WiFi auto connect - will be able to provide you with irreplaceable help both in connecting and in stopping the Wi-Fi connection in automatic mode. The application has a large number of different functions that will be designed in a harmonious and standard design. The key functions are located in one place, so you should not have any problems with mastering this mechanism.

The characteristics of the application:
There is a possibility to work with a couple of languages in the menu;
Enabling Wi-Fi when unlocking your smartphone, charging;
Configure the selected connection time interval directly;
There is a shutdown mode when the battery is low, in flight mode, and in sleep mode;
Energy saving;
Easy enough to manage;
You can restrict your Wi-Fi connection for a while.

Download WiFi Automatic - WiFi auto connect free for android

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