Diamond Quest: Don't Rush!

Diamond Quest: Don't Rush!

89% (Ratings: 91)
Version: 2.95
Category: Arcade
Requirements: Android 4.0
Diamond Quest: Don't Rush! - a great platformer for your mobile phone, in which you will control the researcher, who is absolutely not afraid of anything in his way. In this game you will be able to get to the temple of Angkor Wat, located in the jungle, you will also explore the dungeons of the Bavarian castle, and you can visit the Tibetan caves, created with this ice. During the gameplay you will need to collect a lot of gems, and then your way will be able to continue further. Cut through the leaves, unravel the web and find a lot of valuable stones located on the level. You will see danger everywhere, as well as a huge number of enemies that you can destroy using large boulders.

Download Diamond Quest: Don't Rush! free for android

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